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5 Ways To Save On Back-To-School Shopping

Back-to-school shopping can really put a strain on the monthly budget, as all those much needed supplies begin to add up faster than we’d hoped.
In an effort to lighten the load at the beginning of the year, i gathered up five easy tips that’ll help you save big bucks on all your back-to-school shopping needs.

1. Do A Home  Sweep First
In spite of your kids desire to want all new things, the truth is there’s probably half a pack of No. 2 pencils rolling around in the loose drawers of your house—and all they need is a good sharpening! Do a clean sweep of all your drawers and closets first, dumping all potential supplies into one plastic bin. Once complete, sort and organize the bin, crossing any unneeded items off your list.

2.  Limit The Specialty Items
Back-to-school shopping can actually be a wonderful opportunity to teach your kids the value of money, while introducing them to their own understanding of budgeting. Most kids are wired to desire the trendiest products (aren’t we all). Set a limit with your kids. Perhaps they can have two specialty items, like a Justin Bieber backpack  and a pair of new Nikes. Once they’ve chosen their two specialty items, they understand that the rest of the items are to be budget-friendly.
3. The Dollar Store

Lunch boxes, folders, pens, pencils, staplers, calculators, glue, and almost everything else on that expensive back-to-school list can be found at your local dollar store—for a dollar! And, if it doesn’t come in your kids favorite color, well that’s what the specialty items are all about (See Number 2).

4. The Thrift Store
Anyone with kids knows that they outgrow their clothes faster than they can sometimes even wear them. Second hand stores, for this reason especially, can be a true treasure trove for designer kids clothes in excellent condition. A simple wash and they are literally good as new!

5. Use Twitter And Facebook To Save Even More
Check in with your favorite companies for special coupon links and any upcoming sales.  Before heading to the stores, follow your most preferred back-to-school retailers on Twitter and Facebook and stay updated on their best deals.  Here are a few that are tried-and-true:
• Staples: @StaplesTweets
• Office Max: @OfficeMax
• TJ Maxx: @tjmaxx
• Marshalls: @marshalls
• Best Buy: @twelpforce

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