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What even is this: The Ashish for River Island collection.

 This one flew under my radar a bit.

The River Island Ashish collection.

I have to admit, I'm not blown away by it. In fact, when I saw the big pink thing above I couldn't understand why they have created a giant sleeping bag which I later learned is a dress. Ooops. So I'm normally a fan of Ashish. His runway shows are always colorful and fun which I think is often in short supply at fashion weeks.
 However, I find this.......puzzling. I literaly don't understand. It's dull and in places weird.  In fact, the best thing I could say about it is the jumpers are okay?!?!? The collection has already launched at London Fashion Week at the end of September so in theory is already available to buy. I somehow missed this entirely!
 This sleeping bag madness is literally that, a madness. I get that by offering someone a collection, you are letting them bring their creative spirit to the brand. This does make you wonder when you have to draw the line and accept that their 'vision' may not be a sellable item for you? I say this, but the website warns customers that only a few remain unsold someone out there appears to be buying the coats.
The other weirdness about it is that it has such a high price point for a strange item and River Island. The coat is £180. Apparently, part of it is detachable and functions as a sleeping bag sort of blanket thing but to be honest, it's awful.

As usual, the PR team has been at work and there is an entire queue of magazines describing the collection as something to get excited about and avoiding the big pink elephant in the room. In fact, I hate to say it but the Daily Mail newspaper seems to be the media source calling BS on this design. Although, as the DM gleefully points out, Instagram and Twitter RI customers have been confused and slammed the item.
 Should any of this appeal to you then the collection has been live since September 30th and prices range from £30 -£180

 Illustrations are cute right?

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