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Fluid Art Friday!

I've been trying my hand at fluid art for a couple months now and when I'm able, I like to participate in the #fluidfridayfriends weekly challenges on IG.  This is the fluid art that I came up with based on the colour prompt for this week!  Not really happy with it; way darker than I wanted and just don't even about the cleanup but I only had about 45 minutes before work this morning to get them on my nails and stamped before I had to leave.  But I always share the good with the bad; here's what I came up with!

This is the colour prompt that we were to use.

These were the polishes I used initially but I ended up switching the red polish for the red Dance Legend fluid polish.

My fluid art decal.

After cutting the areas that I wanted to use, applied to the nail after applying sticky base coat.

I should throw out that navy polish; I've used it a couple times and clean up is horrendous every time!  I'm sure I have something better in my stash that I can use instead!

Applied a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

I didn't have too much of the yellow in the fluid base so decided to stamp using yellow polish; stamped using an image from Infinity 158 using MdU 11.  I wanted to use an image that would let the fluidart show through but the your eye is so drawn to the stamping, the base is just background cover.  To me, anyway.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Please ignore the mess of my cuticles here but this is Ms. Cindy with the same stamping but different base.  It is a lot of layers of polish and flakies but turned out pretty cool!

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for looking!

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